简介:远在北欧大海中央的博克岛,即将迎来一年一度的快乐圣诞节希卡普(杰伊·巴鲁切尔 Jay Baruchel 配音)和他的好朋友无牙一如既往,在博克岛的上空自由翱翔。可是,突然天空布满了各种各样的龙,甚至连岛上的龙也振翅高飞随这群龙远去。岛民们非常失落,但也只能面对龙离去的事实。未过多久,连无牙也在某个机
简介: Unlock the secrets of the Dragon Eye and come face to face with more dragons than anyone has ever imagined as Hiccup, Toothless and the Dragon Rider
简介: Unlock the secrets of the Dragon Eye and come face to face with more dragons than anyone has ever imagined as Hiccup, Toothless and the Dragon Rider
简介: 梦工厂将于今年6月在Netflix上推出全新剧集《驯龙记:飞越边界(Race to the Edge)》。正值WonderCon的最后一天,梦工厂为漫展粉丝们带来福利,大家有幸先睹为快,观看了最新片花:小嗝嗝与没牙仔降落在一个破旧不堪的旧船甲板上,并深入到船内查看情况。然而船内机关重重,有各种陷
简介: Unlock the secrets of the Dragon Eye and come face to face with more dragons than anyone has ever imagined as Hiccup, Toothless and the Dragon Rider