简介:Vivica A. Fox makes her Bring It On debut as Cheer Goddess, the Internet's most popular Cheer-lebrity. When Destiny (Prosperi), capta in of three-time
简介:虽然从小就生活在曼斯菲尔德庄园中,但这里的一切却无法让范妮(弗兰西丝·奥康纳 Frances O'Connor 饰)感到一丝亲切寄人篱下的身份让年幼的她饱尝了人情的冷暖,好在有善良的埃德蒙德(约翰·李·米勒 Jonny Lee Miller 饰)的关心和陪伴,范妮才得以保留心中那一块小小的净土。才华
简介:加斯荷伯(布鲁诺·斯列斯坦 Bruno S. 饰)从小生活在不见天日的地下室里,仅靠稀少的水源和面包维持生命,直到数十年后,早已成年的他才被带离地下室,第一次亲眼看到了外面的大千世界可是,噩梦并没有结束,他只不过是从一个地狱跌落到了另一个。在人们的眼中,加斯荷伯并非一个有血有肉的人类,只是一个可供研
简介:Based loosely on an Edgar Allen Poe tale, poor Emily De Blancheville (Joan Hills) has no idea of the horror that awaits her at her family's historical
简介:At the lush Evenswood estate in Concord, Massachusetts, Edith Adelon (Cari Shayne), a beautiful orphan, lives as the paid companion to the daughter of