简介:A portrait of the myth of maternity around the story of Pepa and her daughter, who are asked out of their home and forced to wander for a place to liv
简介:夏天快要来临的时候,巴黎女子戴尔芬(玛丽·瑞莱 Marie Rivière 饰)却陷入了忧伤与烦闷中刚刚和前男友结束恋爱关系,本来约好与她一同度假的女友也放了她鸽子。尽管其它许多好心的亲友邀请她一同度假,但是她却一一拒绝了。每个人都有了自己的度假计划,只有她看似要独身 一人困在巴黎过冗长的夏天。她寻
简介:愁云惨淡的华盛顿市,一幢普通公寓内,单身妈妈克莉丝(艾伦·鲍斯汀 Ellen Burstyn 饰)和女儿芮根生活于此然而近一段时间,克莉丝却被女儿种种怪异的举止折磨得烦躁不堪。芮根的行为举止怪异,迥异常人。克莉丝带她求医问卜,终无所获,甚至精神科医生也束手无策。万般无 奈之下,几近绝望的母亲求助于莫
简介:This is story about a dentist with the talent of painlessly extracting teeth, and what happens to him as a result of being naturally good at his job.
简介:Due to some common interests between German and Russian aristocracy ( the Russians even had aristocrats in their past not to mention they had an Empre