简介:When Noah fell in love with Nick, she knew their relationship would never be easy. They're fire and electricity, and when they're together, every kind
简介:When Noah fell in love with Nick, she knew their relationship would never be easy. They're fire and electricity, and when they're together, every kind
简介:为了追求自己的“兔”生意义,年少轻狂的比得(詹姆斯·柯登 James Corden 配音)踏上了背井离乡的路并成功赢得老江湖巴拿巴的青睐、成为了团伙中的扛把子,怎料却将追随而来的昔日老友们推入死亡陷阱 幡然醒悟后,比得化身“兔界阿汤哥”带领同伴展开海陆空三栖大营救。高空跳伞、水下救援、雪山速滑、快艇
简介: 曼莫(路易斯•费尔南多•佩纳 Luis Fernando Peña 饰)与父母生活在墨西哥小镇桑塔安那,靠务农为生。德里奥水公司在附近河流建坝拦水,至使整个地区严重缺水。高昂的水价致使走投无路的农民去坝上偷水。德里奥水公司在美国境内的总部则雇佣飞行员鲁迪(雅各布•维加斯 Jacob Vargas